Quarry is the essence of the company and the reason for its existence. For over 300 years the residents of Hotavlje learned new methods and techniques for the stone cutting craft. They passed their knowledge to generations after them and nowadays they have all the required skills to push the endless boundaries of stone. Moreover, their knowledge for stone cutting is one of the reasons why they have established very powerful relationship with the biggest stone suppliers worldwide (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, India, Afghanistan, China,…). Through decades and decades of learning about new types of stone with different technical characteristics, they have managed to become a go-to company for new ideas and solutions.
The underground of the quarry, showing the heavy machinery doing its first cuts
In the summer of 2020 the company finished a big project by building a new facility for warehouse and production purposes. The materials on stock are not exposed to external factors such as climate change and weather. This contributes enormously to the quality of the material in the long run.
This facility also includes a special showroom dedicated to the clients that visit the premises. They are able to see true artisans finishing the last details of the most challenging projects, while resting their eyes by admiring a variety of high-quality sculptures that are being exhibited in the showroom.
The interior of the gallery, where the most luxurious materials are exhibited
Warehouse is also a place where massive blocks are being held. Before the artisans get their hands on the stone, they need to cut the big block to smaller pieces. Those slabs are later scanned through the SlabVision studio that serves as a tool for renderings for the clients. By using this method, the clients can see how the final product will look like even before they make their first cut.
Cutting the massive block into slabs is the most time-consuming, but also the easiest part in the production
Slabs are scanned through SlabVision and sent to the client for approval
In this workshop the production workers focus on the first steps in the process, which is shaping the stone to a certain point, while other machines make sure that the first polishing phases and UV treatments are done, before heading to the later stages of the process.
The operations are being closely monitored under the watchful eye of the administrators
There is no heavy machinery in this workshop. The focus is on the smallest of details needed to achieve a true perfection. Production managers and teams in this facility are strictly connected with yachting projects, making sure that all regulations are met and approved by the general contractors and shipyards. The skills needed to reach the quality demanded by the yachting industry cannot be achieved without knowledge, dedication, team work and perseverance.
The view through the entire workshop
This workshop is the biggest out of all and consequently it offers a mixture of machinery and hand-finishing. However, there is something more to it. Factory acceptance tests are crucial in this line of work, meaning that the clients visit the company and check the quality of craftsmen’s work before shipping the material to a project location. That is why the workshop has an extra tent dedicated solely for this purpose.
Machines in this facility have different purposes. CNC is usually processing massive pieces or unique furniture pieces. While Water Jet is dedicated to thinner pieces and prepares the material for hand-finishing process.
One of the three CNC machines in the workshop
There are two Water Jet machines operating throughout the entire day. These machines are crucial in this industry and they save a lot of time. However, the most important part comes right after it
It was mentioned before that there is a whole workshop dedicated to hand-finishing but only for yacht projects. Focusing on other, land-based projects such as residential, unique furniture pieces and art – then the masterwork happens in the main workshop. Even though Marmor Hotavlje is very active in different segments, the yachting is the core business of the company. That being said, it is important that the departments in the company are split into two areas – yachting industry and land-based one.
Artisans finishing the last details of the sculptures made from Hotavlje marble
The office building is located in the centre of the company’s facilities. The offices are stretched across two floors, combining 10 different departments under one roof and they are designed with an open space area, connecting different departments that are more involved in their day-to-day operations. Leadership, financial and human resource departments are each in their individual offices, while others are mixed together (purchase-production-assembly, sales-calculation & project management-technological).
The interior is designed with different layers of Hotavlje's marble, representing the unique colour variations of the material, while on the glass the company wants to emphasize the value of their roots
Connected to the same building, there is a beautiful rooftop in the most peaceful area of the company. The décor is made solely from Hotavlje marble, presenting all possible surface treatments with the material (from bush hammered to honed and chiselled). The area is dedicated for events and meetings, but also for some peace and quiet for the employees during working hours.
Surrounded with woods, the rooftop provides a much needed calmness and positive vibrations
This is the area where employees gather for internal meetings, discussing about ongoing projects, future actions, new events and news about the industry in general. It is very important to share valuable information gathered from the project, because only by doing that, the company can act accordingly, find solutions and prepare guidelines for future actions in the similar situation (e.g.: having a very tricky material from a technical point of view can cause many problems, but once the right tools and processing techniques are found, the problem becomes a solution).
Moreover, this showroom is dedicated to all sorts of presentations for the visitors. Marmor Hotavlje has a lot of that throughout the year. Whether there is a presentation for the kids from primary school, to potential buyers, partners, general contractors,…
However, the showroom cannot be a normal showroom with nothing to show. That is why the entire flooring is made from Hotavlje marble, which represents their roots, while on the walls they have created a sort of a library presenting one of the most popular materials worldwide. Last but not least, they have exhibited unique sculptures that were presented on the Dubai International Boat Show, showing their large scope of works.
The sculpture on the table was made for Hotavlje's 70th anniversary in 2018, a coral artwork in cooperation with DKT artworks, presenting the endless paths the company went through to get where they are today